PixelDraw Member List

This is the complete list of members for PixelDraw, including all inherited members.

calcPixelRange(const VXV::Grid &pos, const VXV::Rect &range, double magnify)BasicDrawInterface
draw(void)PixelDraw [virtual]
BasicDrawInterface::draw(const VXV::Grid &pos, const VXV::Rect &range, double magnify)BasicDrawInterface
drawRangedPixel(const VXV::Rect &pixel_range, int x, int y)BasicDrawInterface
PixelDraw(int x, int y, unsigned long color=White)PixelDraw
setColor(unsigned long color)PixelDraw [static]
setDrawPosition(const VXV::Grid &pos, const VXV::Rect &range, double magnify)BasicDrawInterface [static]
setPixel(int x, int y)PixelDraw [static]
view_magnifyBasicDrawInterface [protected, static]
view_posBasicDrawInterface [protected, static]
view_rangeBasicDrawInterface [protected, static]
~BasicDrawInterface(void) (defined in BasicDrawInterface)BasicDrawInterface [inline, virtual]
~PixelDraw(void) (defined in PixelDraw)PixelDraw [inline, virtual]

Generated on Mon Apr 13 22:52:07 2009 by  doxygen