ScreenTask Member List

This is the complete list of members for ScreenTask, including all inherited members.

activate(void) (defined in ScreenTask)ScreenTask
clear(unsigned long index)ScreenTask
command_log (defined in ScreenTask)ScreenTask
commandLogPrintf(const char *fmt,...) (defined in ScreenTask)ScreenTask
consolePrintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap) (defined in ScreenTask)ScreenTask
exec1msec(unsigned long total_msec)ScreenTask [inline, virtual]
getBodyPosition(const VXV::Position3D &position)ScreenTask [inline, virtual]
init(void)ScreenTask [virtual]
recv(void)ScreenTask [inline, virtual]
ScreenTask(WindowInterface *winObj, TTF_Draw *ttfObj)ScreenTask
scrollWithRobot(bool on) (defined in ScreenTask)ScreenTask
send(void)ScreenTask [virtual]
setCircle(const VXV::Grid &center, int r, unsigned long color) (defined in ScreenTask)ScreenTask
setContLine(const std::deque< VXV::Grid3D > &points, unsigned long color)ScreenTask
setEnvironment(const std::vector< CoordinateCtrl::polygon_t > &objs)ScreenTask
setLine(const VXV::Grid3D &p0, const VXV::Grid3D &p1, unsigned long color)ScreenTask
setPoints(const std::vector< VXV::Grid3D > &points, unsigned long color, int width=1)ScreenTask
setText(const char *text, const VXV::Grid &pos, int pxSize, bool pin, unsigned long color, unsigned long back)ScreenTask
setViewCenter(VXV::Grid &center)ScreenTask
updatePosition(void)ScreenTask [inline, virtual]
updateViewMagnify(double magnify)ScreenTask
~ScreenTask(void) (defined in ScreenTask)ScreenTask
~TaskInterface(void) (defined in TaskInterface)TaskInterface [inline, virtual]

Generated on Mon Apr 13 22:52:07 2009 by  doxygen